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Finally A Website day!!!

I have a fair bit of time today to relax and unwind from an almost constant regiment of work (and D&D). My lovely lady has been very tolerant of the late nights spent at the computer, so I'll kick out a thank you to her if she reads this. Whats on the Warlock's agenda today...

First, I'm playing around with this blog. I'm new to blogging so I don't know how people will see this, who will read it and what they actually want to hear me going on about when they do read it.

My number one agenda today is to learn how to use my subscription list. I have promised all my subscribers a special picture and I need to make good on that.

Now they say that a picture always makes a blog a bit more cool, so I'll add one here. This is a new monster I did for Infinium called the Grimwing. It's a companion piece to the Grimthing that I posted a few days ago. Hope you like!!!

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