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From My Game...

You have seen some pictures of Giselle, the alchemist character that I introduced through a serious of pictures and a short story that is still in the works. She has actually taken a role in my AD&D game. Currently my players have left her in the City of Elredd while they traveled back to Highport, intent on putting an end to the Slave Lords that dwell there.

Having taken to the road, they have decided to leave their alchemist in Elredd to make potions and elixirs of them. One of the players has also decided to leave his servant with her... for safe keeping. NPCs have a nasty habit of failing to return from adventures!

Anyway, this picture is more of a fun diversion I did and a sort of "what if" type of pic that is going along with a narrative story I'm posting in the game group! I hope you enjoy the picture!

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