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Happy Thanksgiving!

The Warlock wishes everyone and their family a very happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your turkey, or if you are vegan, your tofurkey, and have an amazing day.

The Warlock's Guide to Decadent Denizens and Dastardly Destinations: The Gashwiffer Goblins of Cackle Mine Update: The Warlock is still waiting on the layout team to finish their work of the book draft. It's taken longer than anticipated, but sometimes that happens. I hope to resume miniature printing on Friday and start shipping on Thursday. I appreciate your patience with the delays I hit over the last couple weeks.

As for the art... this was a recent commission from a long time patron. I don't do as much commission work anymore, but there are still a handful of people that I keep an open calendar for. This guy is one of those people! I hope you like it.


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