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The Warlock Is Back To A Galaxy Far Far Away!

Ever since I ended my AD&D Campaign my gaming group has been finding its legs with a new gaming schedule. I think we are fairly sorted now and we have just started a new campaign set in the Star Wars Universe. This game is being run by my friend and its using the Saga Rules. I will admit to being a semi-knowledgable Star Wars fan. That means I have encyclopedic knowledge of the first three movies, can talk knowingly about the three prequels, have some knowledge there was a few cartoon series and will get agitated when conversed about the last three.

Though I am not a fan of what Disney has done with the franchise, like the rest of the world, I like the Mandolorian a lot and this is the time period where the game is set. We are even playing Mandolorians. My particular character is a female Falleen. For those of you knowledgeable about Star Wars books, you will recognize her race as she is the same race as Prince Xisor. I haven't gotten much into her background yet because I'm not totally sure how we will be starting out and what circumstances we will be in or coming from. The Warlock can always add color later.

Now before you tell me that she doesn't have the normal Tee shaped Mandolorian helmet... That is a common design that is reflected and shared in most Mandolorian Armors, but each armor is a distinct reflection of its wearer. Their armor compliments and supports their ability to be effective warriors. The Fallen have pheromones that they use to distract and beguile other sentient races. Thus it would make sense that more of her skin would be exposed, especially her lips as she is a very skilled diplomat and seductress. I wanted something smooth and sexy and this is what we have. Now, will it evolve as she becomes more renown in her clan, maybe... time will tell.

But for now, her motto is simple, "Not all battles are won with a blaster..."


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